
ING - Education that grows

website and branding

IDI research
Student project
ING - Education that grows


February 2023 - February2024


UI, UX Design, IDI Research

design problem

How to introduce children aged 6-9 to the world of finance so that they learn the value of money and learn good financial habits?

learn stage

The first stage of work focused on analyzing foundational data (official financial reports, education report) and competitive analysis (banking industry solutions in Poland and around the world, designed for children). The next stage was to conduct IDI - in-depth interviews with parents and children, The purpose of the interviews was to explore not only the level of children's financial knowledge, but also their relationship with their parents and their favorite ways of learning.

stage design

Using design tools like customer journey map, value proposition canva, user stories, job stories and others, a product MVP was created. The product is a component of the ING application that does not require a bank account, but does require a login. The user can create a profile for themselves and their child and set an entry level by taking a quiz. The user then has access to active task categories related to everyday, life situations. Parent and child can solve tasks in the categories and collect points, which translate into the development of the game's protagonist Ingus the lion. The points can be exchanged for benefits, such as a discount to the cinema or an entrance ticket to a museum.

design and testing

A clickable prototype was created and tested based on scenarios. The product was tested by 10 respondents in 2 rounds and improved after testing.